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insulin secretion中文是什么意思

用"insulin secretion"造句"insulin secretion"怎么读"insulin secretion" in a sentence


  • 胰岛素分泌


  • The effect of ca2 channel bloker on insulin secretion in rat pancreatic islet cells
  • Objective to determine whether insulin secretion affects weight loss with 2 popular diets
  • This is due to excessive growth of their pancreatic islet cells that results in uncontrolled insulin secretion
  • Reducing glycemic load may be especially important to achieve weight loss among individuals with high insulin secretion
  • Medications can be used to suppress the insulin secretion , but surgical resection of the pancreas is necessary in the more severe cases
  • Reductions in the amount of those by - products would presumably limit insulin secretion and thereby minimize insulin ' s unwanted actions in the body
  • Regardless of insulin secretion , a low ? glycemic load diet has beneficial effects on high - density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations but not on low - density lipoprotein cholesterol concentration
  • Purposes : enhancement of insulin secretion from the islet b cells is a principal goal for treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes . some gastrointestinal hormones are associated with insulin secretion
    目的:胰高血糖素样肽- 1 ( glucagon - likepeptide - 1 , glp - 1 )是一种组织特异性的胃肠道激素,主要由回肠末端l细胞、胰腺内分泌部a细胞以及神经细胞合成和分泌。
  • Emerging knowledge about the key mechanisms , such as the impairment of glucose - stimulated insulin secretion and lipotoxicity and the role of muscle resistance to insulin secretion has become the focus of drug therapy
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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